Akelius Residential Property AB


The sustainability policy defines Akelius’ commitment to improving its sustainability performance.

The sustainability policy is aligned with the company's Code of conduct following the principles

  • respect the rule of law and act in accordance with regulation
  • conduct business with honor and integrity
  • respect human rights

The sustainability management of the company is based on four layers

  • policies
  • targets
  • action plans
  • results

The materiality analysis determines importance and impact.
The analysis divides the company’s sustainability work into four pillars and twelve areas with specified targets.

The pillars are

  • environment
  • staff
  • society and tenants
  • governance

constantly improving

Akelius strives to constantly improve its sustainability performance.

Sustainability should be implemented in all business decisions and processes,
including acquisition, operations, sales, financing, tax, and all trainings.


  • commits to reporting according to EPRA Sustainability Guidelines, GRI Global Reporting Initiatives, and TCFD recommendations
  • contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • shall be a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact
  • shall be climate neutral by 2050


CEO owns the policy

The CEO owns the sustainability policy.

management develops the strategy

The CEO, CFO, and Head of Sustainability are responsible for the sustainability strategy development.
The Head of Sustainability implements sustainability actions on behalf of the company.

operations implement the strategy

All heads of regions, cities, and departments are responsible for

  • implementing and communicating the sustainability policy
  • ensuring compliance with the sustainability policy
  • reaching the regions', cities', and departments' sustainability targets

all staff are responsible for sustainability

Each employee is responsible for

  • reading and understanding the policy
  • implementing their work into action plans to achieve the sustainability targets
  • reporting any behavior inconsistent with this policy

the Board approves and reviews the policy

The Board of Directors reviews and approves the sustainability policy and the targets annually.
Management reviews the sustainability targets quarterly.
The CEO, CFO, and Head of Sustainability interact annually with stakeholders to review the policy and targets.


The sustainability report is integrated into the annual report from 2021.





UN Global Compact communication on progress

Akelius has reaffirmed its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
Find the statement here.

