power of attorney for general meeting
Board's proposal for mandate to issue class A shares
Board's proposal and statement pursuant to the Companies Act 18-4
revised Articles of Association
power of attorney for general meeting
form for postal voting
Board's proposal and statement pursuant to the Companies Act 18-4
Board's description of events pursuant to the Companies Act 18-6
Statement by the auditor, in Swedish
power of attorney for general meeting
Board's proposal for new issue
nomination committee's proposal on new nomination committee
Board's proposal and statement pursuant to the Companies Act 18-4
power of attorney form
form for postal voting
the board's proposal for authorization to issue new shares
the board's description of events Companies Act 18-6
the board's proposal and statement Companies Act 18-4
statement by the auditor, in Swedish
form for postal voting
power of attorney for general meeting
revised articles of association
the board's proposal on the nomination committee
statement from the board pursuant to the Companies Act 18-4